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jueves, 26 de abril de 2012

La inversión de renovables en el mundo

USA está a la cabeza de las inversiones en renovables a nivel mundial seguido muy de cerca por China. Europa sigue estando a nivel global en posiciones de cabeza y España se sitúa a nivel mundial en el puesto número 7. 

US Re-takes Lead in Clean Energy Race from China — But Not for Long

By Tom Konrad, Contributor 

According to the just-released report "Who's Winning the Clean Energy Race?" from the Pew charitable Trusts, the United States invested the most in clean energy of any country in 2011, retaking the lead from China, which had held the top sport for the last two years. But the U.S. resurgence is more likely to be a blip than a trend.
While the U.S. still dominates technology development and venture investment, our inconsistent and fading support for clean energy has allowed China to take the lead for the last two years.
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